SPEDucation FAQs

(Got a question?  Send it to us via the Contact page and we will answer it, and may even add it to these FAQs.)

Why do we need your training?

Because things change in special education, the feds reauthorize the IDEA every so often, new regulations are approved, states have their own regulations, some educators cling to the old ways of doing things, parents and advocates have their own way of reading and interpreting the law and regulations, decisions handed down in due process hearings may affect the way you need to do things, OSEP and OCR issue letters and guidance…that’s why you need ongoing training…let us help with your SPEDucation.

What type of training do you offer?

On-site, face-to-face training. You tell us what your needs are, we meet those needs. We come to you and provide top notch training to small groups of key personnel all the way to entire faculties. Lecture, role play, presentations, handouts that really contain useful information, and proprietary materials available at no cost to clients.

We also provide training, support, and advocacy services to parents of children with disabilities.

NEW in 2022 (coming soon) – an online platform for you to receive on-demand video and audio training and materials that YOU select based upon your unique needs. Talk about more bang for your buck! The same quality content as our in-person training for a FRACTION of the cost! When it is up and running, the link will be all over this site.

This will never replace the experience of a live presentation but may be the perfect thing for certain systems and augment the live training for other systems and be more cost effective for ALL systems.

Do you just train teachers?

No. Teachers, administrators, classroom instructional assistants, we offer training to meet the diverse needs of your entire staff.

Oh, and did we mention that we train and provide advocacy services to parents of children with disabilities?