
Just when you think you have this thing we call Special Education figured out, it changes.  The 1997 re-authorization and subsequent regulations, the 2004 re-authorization and subsequent regulations…some of your personnel may be comfortable with what they are familiar with, and they keep doing things the way they always have, too bad that may be according to a prior iteration of the law and regulations…and that is not to mention HIPPA, FERPA, OCR, and a few other acronyms that affect IDEA.

On-going training in the ways of IDEA is important to ensure that your system is in compliance with the law and regulations; and that is not even considering the “people” aspect of the equation.

People, you say?  Yes.  Meetings, communication, involving all stakeholders, collaborative planning, developing the individualized plan; Special Education is not just “teaching”.

SPEDucation involves training school personnel on the what, the how, and the why of special education.  Whether it is federal, state, or local; statute, regulations, or policy/procedure, we’ve got you covered!

And what about PARENTS?  Parents are the most important part of the “people” aspect of the equation.  The school personnel who serve your child eat, think, and breathe special education acronyms, nomenclature, policies, and procedures.  But, it is probably sort of a foreign language to you.  Oh, you may think you get it, you may have been told things by friends, you may do extensive research on the internet, but you probably are not as up on it as you need to be.

When you need a medical professional, do you turn to a friend or the internet, or do you seek out a specialist?  Isn’t your child’s education as important to you as your health?  Why not turn to a specialist; a professional with over 20 years in Special Education from the classroom, to the state department of education, to IDEA compliance specialist?

Do you need to learn more about your rights and special education in general?  We do that!

Do you need a more in-depth consultation about a specific concern?  We do that!

Do you need someone who to review an IEP and tell you what you didn’t know and help prepare you to be an even more effective advocate for your child?  We do that!

Do you need someone to go to an IEP meeting with you, or to a mediation with you?  We do that!

We do everything other advocates do; why choose us?  We have been there and done that.  From the classroom, to the state department, to the board of education…a wealth of experience second to none.

Oh, did we mention that Chip has a disability?  Unless you have a disability, you cannot understand what it is like to go to school and through life after school being different, having limitations/challenges, and figuring out ways to do things.

The help, knowledge, and services we offer to parents are not one-dimensional, we don’t just talk the talk, we have walked the walk, and still do.

We offer training for parents, advocates, and school systems.  The length of the training can be tailored to meet your individual situation.  All of our offerings, can be “sized” to fit your time restraints or allotment.  From as little as an hour (a really good overview) to as long as a full day (in-depth and comprehensive), we strive to exceed your expectations and provide “more bang for your buck.”   To learn about currently available training or to talk to us about developing something to meet your individual needs (yes, we do that!), just ask us via the Contact page.

NEW in 2022 (coming soon) – an online platform for you to receive on-demand video and audio training and materials that YOU select based upon your unique needs. Talk about more bang for your buck! The same quality content as our in-person training for a FRACTION of the cost! When it is up and running, the link will be all over this site.

This will never replace the experience of a live presentation but may be the perfect thing for certain systems and augment the live training for other systems and be more cost effective for ALL systems.